Hampshire County Council – Asda Roundabout Improvements
Project Manager, and design lead, for the detailed design of the improvements to the existing Asda Roundabout in Havant (scheme value £3.6M). The scheme involved tripling the size of the existing roundabout by amending the roundabout layout to an oval about, increasing the number and length of the approach road flares, and provision of traffic signals. Initially tasked with preparing the program and budget for scheme delivery included within the DfT funding application. Following the funding award, We managed and led the design team to complete the design and provided assistance to the client during the tendering period. Key challenges include the program restrictions caused by a condition of the funding and the presence of dormice on the site. This was the first major highways project to be outsourced by Hampshire County and through successfully achieving the client goals the scheme was able to provide a template for other major HCC highway schemes that were awarded to WSP PB.